A Mobile botnet is described as a type of botnet that targets mobile devices, attempting to gain complete control of the device and its contents as well as providing control to the botnet originator. Based on research done by several top computer software security companies, mobile phone botnets are on the rise.
How Vulnerable Are PED’s (portable electronic devices) Against a Hacker?
Most people are unaware of how easily someone can hack into their cell phone. There are devices that allow someone (hacker) to hack into your cell phone by just dialing the number. With this technology, they can also listen to your calls, read your emails and texts, listen to the phone’s surroundings such as conversations going on in the room, gain access to your photos and your social media information or any other information stored on your phone. They can even retrieve your password to your online bank account.
Hacking PEDs Is Child’s Play
Are PEDs (personal electronic devices) Safe from Hacking If you think that PEDs (personal electronic devices) are safe while left unattended in a typical locker box during a secure meeting or SCIF read on…… Would you believe that a middle school child could be writing malware (software such as viruses or Trojans designed to cause […]
Cell Phone Hacker Know Where You Are
With limited inexpensive gear hackers could readily find where you as well as your mobile phone are without you having any notion. At least this is the decision of a recent study out of the University of Minnesota.
It all rests on the basic fact that the mobile phone network has to monitor your mobile in just a certain broad range so resources can be prioritized by it to supply the greatest service possible. (Most people are aware of the fact that providers must give up such location information when subpoenaed by law enforcement agencies.)
Then when a call is available in to you, the broadcasting tower will send a signal to your phone and waits for you personally to respond. A hacker has the capacity to intercept that sign before you even hear it to be answered by the call.