Are PEDs (personal electronic devices) Safe from Hacking
If you think that PEDs (personal electronic devices) are safe while left unattended in a typical locker box during a secure meeting or SCIF read on……
Would you believe that a middle school child could be writing malware (software such as viruses or Trojans designed to cause damage or disruption to a computer system)? We know that kids are very curious and studies have pointed to kids of all ages becoming technically savvy at ages earlier than we expected; but would writing malware ever cross our minds?
It could start out as easy as kids trying to impress their peers by writing spyware and showing their friends that they can hack into their video game logins. This may seem insignificant at first, but some gaming accounts have credit card details allowing users to make gaming purchases. This shows how vulnerable our financial information can be.
Researchers have said, “You teach your children that you can’t take a toy without paying – so we think this type of a message needs to get to the kids when they’re writing software too.”
Compromise our “Mobility Data”
The technology that makes our life so easy allows others to compromise our “mobility data”. There is a real need to protect our information since it is so simple for even a child to appropriate. Think about the level of protection that you need to protect your trusted information and the countermeasures that need to be put in place to protect that very information.