[price]Tablet/Cell Phone
Combination Unit
[line]Removable shelves[/line]
[line]RF shielding[/line]
[line]Built in mounting posts
in the base for permanent
[line]External locking latches[/line]
[line]Dimensions: 13″ x 13″ x 10″[/line]
[line]Approximate weight
35 lbs[/line]
[button href=”http://signalsafe.wpengine.com/request-a-quote/”]Request Quote[/button]
[price]Tablet/Cell Phone
Combination Unit
with Acoustic
Sound Suppression
[line]Removable shelves[/line]
[line]RF shielding[/line]
[line]Built in mounting posts
in the base for permanent
[line]External locking latches[/line]
[line]Dimensions: 13″ x 13″ x 10″[/line]
[line]Approximate weight
40 lbs[/line]
[button href=”http://signalsafe.wpengine.com/request-a-quote/”]Request Quote[/button]
Bracket Mount
Specifically manufactured to mount SSG-COM, SSG-COM/AC and SSG-ILD units to the wall.